Georgina Bonet Arroyo

Georgina is the Health Financing specialist at WHO Mozambique country office. She holds a MSc in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics from Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, and a postgraduate degree in Health Integrated Management Services from ESADE Business School, Barcelona.
Georgina has been involved in the development of the Health Financing Strategy for Mozambique, the costing for the health sector strategic plan 2020-24, and the proposal for Mozambique on tobacco taxation 2023-2025. Among the areas of work, she is also involved in health governance and reforms, including working with provincial parliamentarians.
Previously Georgina has been working as PFM and health financing adviser at district, provincial and central level in Mozambique, working for health NGOs and bilateral donor, such as the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA).