Forum Information
Since Econ3x3 wishes to encourage and facilitate informed public discourse and debate on the key economic problems identified above, it makes provision for commentaries on published contributions. These should:
be considered commentaries rather than off-hand short comments or reflex reactions;
respond to a specific point or issue raised by a published contribution;
be concise and to the point, normally not more than 300 words long; otherwise a full article is advised;
refrain, absolutely, from being offensive, disparaging, defamatory, discriminatory, being personal or resorting to derogatory labelling;
otherwise conform to the same editorial and legal requirements as articles.
Commentaries should be entered online, in the box provided below the relevant article. Prior registration as a contributor is required. Commentaries are subject to review and editing. The forum reserves the right not to post a commentary that it considers frivolous or defamatory.